than they were before! Take this code:class OptEx { def sum(l: Array[Int]) = { var acc = 0 for (i <- 0 until l.length) acc += l(i) acc } }This is the java bytecode generated with Scala 2.8.1 for the method
public int sum(int[]); Code: 0: new #7; //class scala/runtime/IntRef 3: dup 4: iconst_0 5: invokespecial #12; //Method scala/runtime/IntRef."And this is what Scala 2.9.0 does:":(I)V 8: astore_2 9: new #14; //class scala/runtime/RichInt 12: dup 13: iconst_0 14: invokespecial #15; //Method scala/runtime/RichInt." ":(I)V 17: aload_1 18: arraylength 19: invokevirtual #19; //Method scala/runtime/RichInt.until:(I)Lscala/collection/immutable/Range$ByOne; 22: new #21; //class OptEx$$anonfun$sum$1 25: dup 26: aload_0 27: aload_1 28: aload_2 29: invokespecial #24; //Method OptEx$$anonfun$sum$1." ":(LOptEx;[ILscala/runtime/IntRef;)V 32: invokeinterface #30, 2; //InterfaceMethod scala/collection/immutable/Range$ByOne.foreach$mVc$sp:(Lscala/Functio n1;)V 37: aload_2 38: getfield #34; //Field scala/runtime/IntRef.elem:I 41: ireturn
public int sum(int[]); Code: 0: new #7; //class scala/runtime/IntRef 3: dup 4: iconst_0 5: invokespecial #12; //Method scala/runtime/IntRef."":(I)V 8: astore 6 10: new #14; //class scala/runtime/RichInt 13: dup 14: iconst_0 15: invokespecial #15; //Method scala/runtime/RichInt." ":(I)V 18: aload_1 19: arraylength 20: istore_3 21: astore_2 22: getstatic #21; //Field scala/collection/immutable/Range$.MODULE$:Lscala/collection/immutable/Range$; 25: aload_2 26: invokevirtual #25; //Method scala/runtime/RichInt.self:()I 29: iload_3 30: invokevirtual #29; //Method scala/collection/immutable/Range$.apply:(II)Lscala/collection/immutable/Range; 33: dup 34: astore 8 36: invokevirtual #34; //Method scala/collection/immutable/Range.length:()I 39: iconst_0 40: if_icmple 83 43: aload 8 45: invokevirtual #37; //Method scala/collection/immutable/Range.last:()I 48: istore 4 50: aload 8 52: invokevirtual #40; //Method scala/collection/immutable/Range.start:()I 55: istore 9 57: iload 9 59: iload 4 61: if_icmpne 89 64: iload 9 66: istore 5 68: aload 6 70: aload 6 72: getfield #44; //Field scala/runtime/IntRef.elem:I 75: aload_1 76: iload 5 78: iaload 79: iadd 80: putfield #44; //Field scala/runtime/IntRef.elem:I 83: aload 6 85: getfield #44; //Field scala/runtime/IntRef.elem:I 88: ireturn 89: iload 9 91: istore 7 93: aload 6 95: aload 6 97: getfield #44; //Field scala/runtime/IntRef.elem:I 100: aload_1 101: iload 7 103: iaload 104: iadd 105: putfield #44; //Field scala/runtime/IntRef.elem:I 108: iload 9 110: aload 8 112: invokevirtual #47; //Method scala/collection/immutable/Range.step:()I 115: iadd 116: istore 9 118: goto 57
Time to take your old benchmarks out of the closet, people!