Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Scala popularity

I had 5 posts in this blog throughout 2010 -- two in January, two in June. One post January of this year. Given that, I'm pretty sure no one follows my blog except, perhaps, as a forgotten automatic tracker of some sort.

Well... I decided to blog about something back on Sunday, which is a terrible day to blog something if you want hits. Late Sunday. Looking at statistics for Monday, though, I see that I have hit three times more hits than my previous record in a single day.

It is a heartening indication of how much interest Scala is attracting nowadays.


  1. Daniel,

    I'm a Scala and FP newbie. I read your posts and comments here and elsewhere pretty religiously. I deeply appreciate the level of objectivity and candor you bring to your discussions and topics. Thank you for all of the contributions you have made thus far as they have helped me immensely as I am pushing through the steep learning curve occurring for me as I move off of the Java imperative paradigm.

  2. your on planet scala and there is twitter too, plus you seem like a reliable source regarding scala count all those things together .. and there you go :)

  3. Keep posting. It's great to see people pushing the boundaries and shaping a new language like Scala. And even better to see people doing that and taking the time to come up with meticulous explanations like those you share with those of us just starting up.

  4. Daniel, as long as you care to blog, I'll certainly will one of many who will enjoy and benefit from what you have to say. I've been learning and using Scala for a couple of years and I am more than aware of your generosity, insight and thoroughness.

  5. I must agree with Andreas S. You seem to be a prolific micro-blogger ...so there you go :-)

  6. Yeah, follow you on Stack Overflow too. There's interest in Scala, many of those who are very interrested already do it at their day job.

  7. Hi Daniel,

    I love to read your blog and all the nice posts on stackoverflow. You helped me saving so much time! Thanks for that!

  8. I still read this blog once in a while!

  9. Daniel,

    While I haven't been as diligent as I used to be in reading your posts on SO or here, it is something that I do call upon every so often. Please keep blogging.

